It is possible to increase potency at home using folk remedies, but it is best to use this method of treatment in combination with drugs prescribed by your doctor.
How sad it is, but any man regardless of age can face such a problem as a decrease in potency. Nowadays, a decrease in erectile function, as a rule, occurs against the background of physiological and psychological problems, as well as as a result of bad habits.
Statistics show that one in five men has problems of a sexual nature. Yet few prefer to fight. To understand how to strengthen an erection, you first need to find out what pathology is.
Factors that affect the decrease in erection
The temporary and permanent decline in erectile function can have several reasons.
It is possible to restore sexual activity, but for this it is necessary to determine the cause of the problem:
- Physiological characteristic.
- Frustration against the background of psychological reasons.
- Wrong lifestyle and diet.
- Weak immune system.
- Bad habits: alcohol, smoking.
- Physical and nervous stress.
Many doctors argue that temporary erectile dysfunction should be treated quickly because it is easy to diagnose. But in view of a permanent illness, long-term and complex therapy will be required here.
Temporary erectile dysfunction
A weakening of the potency can be associated with overwork, lack of sleep, as a result of a stressful situation or overexertion. In this case, a man can restore sexual activity on his own if he only rest for a few days.
Sexual impotence
Men may face such a problem with more serious diseases of the body related to the heart, kidneys, mental health, and other illnesses. Which factors can influence an erection?
- Erectile dysfunction can primarily be related to the age of the man. With age, male hormone levels decrease, which negatively affects sexual activity. In other words, the older the man, the weaker the activity.
- Diseases of a urological nature severely impair normal sex drive. This is especially true for diseases of the genitourinary system: prostatitis, urethritis and so on.
- The worst enemies of men are smoking and alcoholic beverages. This addiction can "cripple" even a young man.
- Passive lifestyle. A very common cause of a decreased erection. Many men work in areas of activity where sedentary work predominates, which has a negative effect on the blood circulation in the body.
- Nourishment. For most men, fatty and unbalanced food is the norm, and it is such food that leads to various disorders in the body. Due to the fact that the body does not receive the necessary trace elements and vitamins, failure and, in particular, a decrease in potency occur throughout the body.
In order to accurately determine the cause of the decrease in erectile function, you need to contact a specialist who will help you get rid of the problem and maintain health.
Treatment methods
All means to improve an erection are conditionally divided into:
- Traditional technology of modern medicine;
- Non-traditional treatment options used in traditional medicine.
What modern medicine offers
Doctors use different techniques:
Drug therapy
The drugs stimulate the body to increase erectile function, are highly effective, but have a number of side effects: redness, headache, poor eyesight.
Vacuum constrictor therapy
The essence of therapy is to artificially increase blood pressure in the erectile tissue of the penis using mechanical devices: a cylinder or pump that increases blood flow in the penis, which increases erections. However, this treatment method also has side effects: painful ejaculation, bleeding on the skin, and numbness.
Microinjections are made into the penis before intercourse. The effectiveness of this method of treatment is no more than 70%.
With traditional medicine, you can get a quick effect, however, with a decrease in potency, it is necessary to repeat the use of drugs and the procedures.
Unconventional technology
Today a folk remedy is the best alternative to traditional medical technologies. Using such a technique at home is quite realistic. It is very important to use them continuously.
Traditional medicine, namely decoctions, infusions, herbal teas, natural substances, have a positive effect on the reproductive system:
- They normalize blood circulation.
- They have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Strengthens the protective functions.
Experts also recommend using medications to widen blood vessels and normalize hormones to stimulate testosterone production.
Regardless of the method of treatment: drug therapy or folk remedies, a man needs to remember that a decrease in erectile function is not impotence.
Traditional medicine to increase potency
Before a man uses traditional medicine recipes, he must begin:
- Eat properly.
- Observe sleep patterns.
- A practice.
- To reject bad habits.
- Relax your nervous system.
And then folk recipes can offer maximum efficiency.
Herbs to help
Expert advice is essential before using it at home.
Nettle plays a huge role in increasing potency. It can be used both as a separate raw material and in combination with other medicines. Nettle is infused in boiling water and taken three times before meals. The infusion helps normalize urogenital function and improve metabolism.
A powerful stimulant of sexual activity. To improve erectile function, ginseng is used as a tea or tincture. Ginseng root is mixed with honey and infused for a week and a half. The tool is used three times a day. The root helps improve the functioning of the endocrine system, stimulates libido, strengthens and improves erection.
The most useful herb for men. In order to increase the potency, an infusion is best suited. Dried inflorescences are poured with boiling water and allowed to scald. Recommended to be consumed throughout the day.
Johannis herbs
In addition to increasing potency, St. John's wort has an excellent effect on the intestines and urinary organs. To make the tincture at home, you need to take 15 grams of the herb, add water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and let steep. Consume a tablespoon 6 times a day.
A folk remedy not only for increasing sexual activity, but also for restoring physical strength, relieving stress and reducing heart rate. Lemongrass is used in its pure form. It is recommended to brew tea from the bark, leaves and fruits. The plant should be taken with caution, as an overdose can lead to overexcitation of the nervous system.
At home, mint will help improve potency and enhance the result. Ten teaspoons of dried herbs are poured over a liter of boiling water and allowed to steep for 25 minutes. Strain and drink three times a day.
What other recipes are there
Recipe number 1
Mix honey and walnuts in equal parts and take 1 tablespoon after meals for a month.
Recipe number 2
Onion. It can be used both in the form of infusion and decoction, and in pure form. As a rule, the broth is made from seeds: 1 tbsp. l. poured into a glass of boiling water. After it has been filtered and consumed twice a day every day.
Recipe number 3
Mustard seeds are an effective erection enhancer. It is best to use the product in the form of lotions, which are applied to the male organ twice a day. Mustard plasters that can be put on the legs at night also provide immediate results.
Recipe number 4
Mix olive oil and garlic oil in a ratio of 4: 1 teaspoon. Take in the morning on an empty stomach. An effective home remedy.
Recipe number 5
Essential oils like geranium, ginger, rose, sandalwood and others help improve erectile function. A few drops of oil are mixed with two tablespoons of honey and then consumed immediately.
With a folk remedy, or better yet, a few home recipes, you can safely begin the fight against a weakened erection.